Sunday, August 30, 2015

Guild Wars 2 Becoming Free to Play - What Players Should Know

The Game

Released back in the 12th of August, 2012, Guild Wars 2 is best known for its super friendly community and being one of the few MMORPG out there without a monthly subscription. That's right! No need to pay that stupid fee every month just to play a game that you already bought! Now that the game is free to play, new players should know a thing or two about Guild Wars 2.

What "Free to Play" Really Means 

Even though the developer has announced that the game is now granting free access, there are a few little twists behind the word "free" in order to avoid spammers or bots from ruining the awesome game.
All of the following restrictions will be removed once user bought the game or the upcoming DLC "Heart of Thorns": 
  • Fewer character slots.
  • Chat restriction - Can use local chat and whispers, but not world chat.
  • Limited trading - Can trade from trading post, but cannot trade by private mailing. Cannot trade gold for gems.
  • Not allowed to access guild vaults.
  • Level restrictions - Must reach level 10 to leave starter area; Must reach some certain level before can participate in some other game features such as PvP.

The Map

It is open world and players are welcome to explore as much as they pleased to. There are many different regions on the map for players to do leveling with each region is distinctively unique in someway in term of terrain, lore, monster, etc. The combined size of all playable areas is a little larger than Skyrim - that is without the expansions that will unlock more domains on the world map.


In most of MMORPG games out there, players often dispute over special events (ex. boss fights) since the loots dropped are limited - that is not the case in Guild Wars 2. The questing system is designed for collaboration between players. Quests such as defending an area or killing a strong monsters usually require more than a few players to complete faster. However, players can solo any quests at anytime, but it is always more fun to have others doing the same quests without worrying they will take over the loots. 

A Deep Crafting System

One of the main element that make any game fun to play is crafting. Guild Wars 2 offers plenty of crafting recipes for players to implement for tasks such as alchemy, cooking, smiting, and many more. The fun parts of course come from hunting monsters to gather ingredients/components.

Your Own Story

Depending on what race you chose, what background you picked, and what choices you made, your story will be unique and different than most players. One of the cool thing about story mode in GW2 is the dialogue. YES! THE DIALOGUE! I cannot simply describe on how amazing this odd but neat way that the game displays the story's conversation. You got to play to see understand this!;)


Of course there are ton of other mechanics such as skills tree, items equip, special ability, combat, etc. and each is also unique in their own way. Head over to the Guild Wars 2 website and download the game to find out yourself! Don't forget to invite friends to accompany you in the awaiting treacherous adventures full of awesomeness! Happy grinding!:)

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