In Walker Assault mode, players will participate in a 40-player battle between Imperial troops and Rebel soldiers on the snowy planet of Hoth. The developer has confirmed that players will have a chance to play as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in this particular game mode.Besides Walker Assault, the Beta will provide a Survival Mission, a co-op mode where two Rebel players have to fight off waves of Empire's forces on the planet of Tatooine.
Also, another mode that will be available in the Beta is Drop Zone. The creators doesn't give any additional information regarding this brand new game mode but promised to share more of its details in a near future.
Last but not least, Base Command will be added to the test, a card game that let players earn credits to unlock Star Cards, weapons, and other Star Wars items. Base Command will be accessible through Star Wars Battlefront Companion (it will be available on the official website during Beta), a social platform where users can customize their appearance, set their load-outs, view players' stats, or connect to friends across the world! - similar to Battlelog from Battlefield franchise. Star Wars Battlefront Companion app will be available for both PC and mobile before the launch of SWBF3.
The game is scheduled to be release on November 17th of this year for Xbox One, PS4, and on Origin for PC. Players who pre-ordered will be able to play the game on the planet of Jakku seven days earlier than other players. You can pre-order the at Star Wars Battlefront now to get early DLC access.
Continue to have strong faith in the Force, and stay tuned for more Battlefront news!
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